An investment agreement for Sirio
Ravenna: 10.09.24 We are pleased to inform you that Adastra Holding S.r.l. and Invitalia S.p.A. have signed an investment agreement that includes a joint participation in th
Rebranding Sirio
Finalmente ci siamo, siamo pronti a svelarvi la nostra nuova identità! Il cambiamento aziendale non è solo un processo inevitabile, ma un catalizzatore per il progresso e la cres
Adastra e una nuova stella
Anche per Sirio lo sport rappresenta un valore educativo fondamentale, un collante che unisce le persone, che si pone davanti alla paura per dominarla, alla fatica per trionfare, a
Sirio is one of the brightest stars in the firmament and we don’t want to be outdone. Through the (re)connections event we got closer to our workers, the true strength of the
Beyond business, to prevent and help
Sirio collaborates with charities throughout Italy to launch social solidarity initiatives. Sirio has always been very sensitive to contemporary
Educate for challenges
For Sirio too, sport represents a fundamental educational value, a glue that unites people, that faces fear to dominate it, fatigue to triumph, difficulty to overcome it. An activi